Nicole Jennings

Position and Affiliation
Wildlife Biologist, University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Areas of Interest
Crocodilian population dynamics and conservation, native and invasive species research and management, ecology of herpetofauna, endangered species research and conservation
M.S. Forest Resources and Conservation with Concentration in Geomatics. 2022. University of Florida.
Certificate Completion – Geospatial Analysis.
B.S. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. 2017. University of Florida.
Project Involvement
Nicole is project manager of the American alligator project and is primarily involved in crocodilian research and monitoring programs including work with American alligators, crocodiles, and invasive spectacled caiman. She also works with the Everglades Invasive Reptile and Amphibian Management Program (EIRAMP), where she conducts herpetofaunal surveys throughout southern Florida for native and invasive species. In the past she has worked with invasive species trapping, telemetry, and camera trapping projects.
Balaguera-Reina, S.A., N.D. Jennings, S.T. Godfrey, L.A. Brandt, B. Daykin, M.A. Squires, F.J. Mazzotti, 2022. Hematology and Biochemistry Reference Intervals for American Crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) in South Florida. Frontiers in Veterinary Science (submitted).
Brandt, L.A., N.D. Jennings, M.A. Squires, C. Hackett, C.D. Smith, F.J. Mazzotti, 2022. Hematology and Biochemistry Reference Intervals for American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in South Florida. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
Jennings, N.D., E.V. Gati, G.A. Ramirez, J. Cole, B. Mason, V. Briggs-Gonzalez and F.J. Mazzotti (2020). A communal nesting site of the Central American river turtle (Dermatemys mawii) along the New River, Belize. Herpetological Bulletin. 152. 7-10.
Glorioso, B.M., J.H Waddle, L.J. Muse, N.D. Jennings, M. Litton, S. Gergen and D. Heckard (2018). Establishment of the exotic invasive Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Louisiana. Biological Invasions 20, 2707-2713.
Reynolds, C., R.J. Fletcher, C.M. Carneiro, N.D. Jennings, et al. (2018). Inconsistent effects of landscape heterogeneity and land-use on animal diversity in an agricultural mosaic: a multi-scale and multi-taxon investigation. Landscape Ecology 33, 241-255.