Sidney Godfrey

Position and Affiliation
Wildlife Biologist, University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center
Areas of Interest
Herpetology, Wildlife Mangement and Conservation
M.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Clemson University
B.S. Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science, Mississippi State University
Project Involvement
Sidney is primarily involved in the American alligator and American crocodile research and monitoring programs. He is also actively involved in the Everglades Invasive Reptile and Amphibian Monitoring Program, wherein he assists with herpetofaunal surveys and associated invasive species tracking, removal and necropsies.
Godfrey S.T., M.S. Cherkiss, J.S. Beauchamp, M.A. Squires, F.J. Mazzotti, L. Hord, and W. Billings. 2022. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile). Natural History. Diet. Herpetological Review 53(3): 493-494.
Godfrey S.T., N.D. Jennings, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2022. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile). Natural History. Diet. Herpetological Review 53(2): 315-316.
S.T. Godfrey, M.A. Squires, E.F. Metzger, F.J. Mazzotti, R. Darling, R. Muhly. 2021. Crocodylus acutus (American crocodile). Natural History. Interspecific Interaction. Herpetological Review 52(3): 641-642. Full PDF
Godfrey S.T, J.H. Waddle, R.F. Baldwin, W.H. Conner, W.C. Bridges Jr., J.A. Duberstein. 2020. Herpetofauna Occupancy and Community Composition Along a Tidal Swamp Salinity Gradient. Wetlands (2020): 1-15. Full PDF
Dalaba, J.R., M.R. Rochford, E.F. Metzger, C.R. Gillette, N.P. Schwartz, E.V. Gati, S.T. Godfrey, D. Altieri, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2019. New County Records for Introduced Reptiles in St. Lucie County, Florida, with Some Observations on Diets. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians. 26(2):155-158. Full PDF
Godfrey S.T, J.A. Duberstein, J. Mota. 2018. Lithobates sphenocephalus (Southern Leopard Frog). Natural History. Reproduction. Herpetological Review 49(2): 305-306. Full PDF
Godfrey S.T., J.A. Duberstein, J. Mota, W. Moore. 2018. Anolis carolinensis (Green Anole). Natural History. Nest sites and communal nesting. Herpetological Review 49(1): 115. Full PDF
Antonov M.D., S.T. Godfrey, J.C. Newman. 2017. Plethodon chlorobryonis (Atlantic Coast Slimy Salamander). Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review 48(1): 118. Full PDF
Glorioso, B.M., Waddle, J.H., Muse, L.J. and Godfrey, S.T., 2021. Abundance of Gulf Coast Waterdogs (Necturus beyeri) along Bayou Lacombe, Saint Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Journal of Herpetology, 55(2), pp.160-166. Full PDF