Outreach Publications
Below are select outreach publications. A complete list of our outreach publications can be found at the bottom of this page.
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Large Lizard Infographics
Infographic -
Especies Invasoras en Florida
Presentation -
Large Lizard Lineup for South Florida
Brochure -
Alligator Attack Risk Comparison
Fact Sheet -
Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) to Nonnative Wildlife in South Florida
Fact Sheet
Frogs and Toads of Northern Belize
Everglades Invasive Reptile & Amphibian Monitoring Program
Fact Sheet
The American Crocodile: An Indicator Species for Everglades Restoration
Fact Sheet
Considerations for Building Climate-based Species Distribution Models
Ecological Risk Assessment for Invasive Wildlife in Florida
Fact Sheet
The Argentine Black and White Tegu in South Florida: Population Growth, Spread, and Containment
Fact Sheet
Biology of the Hicatee: A Critically Endangered River Turtle of Belize
Alligator Abundance and Hydrology: What Long-term Monitoring Can Tell Us about Everglades Restoration
Fact Sheet
The Invasion Curve: A Tool for Understanding Invasive Species Management in South Florida
Necropsies of Reptiles: Recommendations and Techniques for Examining Invasive Species
Native and Nonnative Crocodilians of Florida
Identification Guide -
Climate Change Adaptation: New Perspectives for Natural Resource Management and Conservation
Fact Sheet -
A Guide to Living with Wild Cats
Brochure: English / Español -
The American Alligator:
Fact Sheet
An Indicator Species for Everglades Restoration -
Effects of Canals and Levees on Everglades Ecosystems
Fact Sheet
Circular -
Science Support for Climate Change Adaptation in South Florida
Fact Sheet -
Why Do We Need Environmental Monitoring for Everglades Restoration?
Fact Sheet -
Nonnative Reptiles in South Florida: Identification Guide
Identification Guide -
Reptiles and Amphibians of Lamanai Outpost Lodge, Belize
Identification Guide -
Burmese Pythons in South Florida: Scientific Support for Invasive Species Management
Fact Sheet: English / Español
- Alligator Abundance and Hydrology (2003-2013): What Long-term Monitoring Can Tell Us about Everglades Restoration
- Alligator Attack Risk Comparison
- The American Alligator: An Indicator Species for Everglades Restoration
- American Alligator Ecology and Monitoring for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
- The American Crocodile: An Indicator Species for Everglades Restoration
- American Crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) in Florida
- The Argentine Black and White Tegu in South Florida: Population Growth, Spread, and Containment
- Biology of the Hicatee: A Critically Endangered River Turtle of Belize
- Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi)
- Burmese Pythons in South Florida: Scientific Support for Invasive Species Management
- Butterfly Gardening in Florida
- Checklist of Birds of the Everglades Agricultural Area
- Climate Change Adaptation: New Perspectives for Natural Resource Management and Conservation
- Conservation of Bats in Florida
- Conserving the Chiquibul/Maya Mountain Massif of Belize
- Considerations for Building Climate-based Species Distribution Models
- Contando y Capturando Cocodrílidos
- Counting and Capturing Crocodilians
- Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) to Nonnative Wildlife in South Florida
- Ecología y Monitoreo del Lagarto Americano para el Plan Comprensivo de la Restauración de los Everglades
- Ecological Consequences of Invasion by Melaleuca Quinquenervia in South Florida Wetlands: Paradise Damaged, not Lost
- Ecological Risk Assessment for Invasive Wildlife in Florida
- Effects of Canals and Levees on Everglades Ecosystems (Fact Sheet)
- Effects of Canals and Levees on Everglades Ecosystems: Circular
- Everglades Invasive Reptile & Amphibian Monitoring Program
- Freshwater Fish of New River, Belize
- Freshwater Turtles of Belize
- Frogs and Toads of Northern Belize
- Una Guía para Convivir con Felinos Silvestres
- A Guide to Living with Wild Cats
- Housing Crocodilians in Captivity: Considerations for Central America and Caribbean
- The Invasion Curve: A Tool for Understanding Invasive Species Management in South Florida
- The Invasion of Exotic Reptiles and Amphibians in Florida
- Large Lizard Lineup for South Florida
- Native and Nonnative Crocodilians of Florida
- Native Habitats for Monarch Butterflies in South Florida
- Necropsies of Reptiles: Recommendations and Techniques for Examining Invasive Species
- Nonnative Reptiles in South Florida: Identification Guide
- Pitones Birmanas en Florida del Sur: Soporte Científico para el Manejo de Especies Invasoras
- Planning for Climate Change in South Florida: Climate Envelope Modeling for Threatened and Endangered Species
- Science Support for Climate Change Adaptation in South Florida
- A Scientific Framework for Managing Urban Natural Areas
- Sistemas de Soporte de Decisión Espacial para Evaluaciones Ecológicas de Paisaje en el Estudio de Viabilidad del Suroeste de la Florida
- Snakes of the Everglades Agricultural Area
- Spatial Decision Support Systems for Landscape Ecological Evaluations in the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study
- Spatially Continuous Interpolation of Water Stage and Water Depths Using the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN)
- Stressor Response Model for the Spotted Sea Trout, Cynoscion nebulosus
- Stressor Response Model for Tape Grass (Vallisneria americana)
- The Role of Flow in the Everglades Landscape
- Threats to Florida's Biodiversity
- Wading Birds
- Use of Amphibians as Indicators of Ecosystem Restoration Success
- Uso de Anfibios como Indicadores del Éxito de la Restauración de Ecosistemas
- Validation, Verification, and Calibration: Using Standardized Terminology When Describing Ecological Models
- The Value of Endangered Species: the Importance of Conserving Biological Diversity
- Why Do We Need Environmental Monitoring for Everglades Restoration?
- Invasive reptile SCS mangrove CEM