South Florida Vegetation Classification Scheme Crosswalks

Crosswalks for 5 vegetation classification schemes used in south Florida: 1. Everglades Vegetation Classification System (EVSC, South Florida National Parks), 2. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC), 3. Florida Gap Analysis Project (FLGAP, US Geological Survey), 4. Florida Land Use and Cover Classification System (FLUCCS, Florida Department of Transportation and Water Management Districts), 5. Multi-Species Recovery Project (MSRP, US Fish and Wildlife Service).

Class Scheme Descriptions
Florida Gap
Florida Land Use and Cover
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
MSRP Ecological Community
South Florida National Parks Vegetation System

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* FLUCCS/SWFFS/SFMM crosswalk prepared by Mike Duever, South Florida Water Management District.

For additional information contact:
Leonard Pearlstine or Frank Mazzotti
University of Florida-FLREC; 3205 College Avenue; Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314; (954) 577-6300

ID Name ID Name ID Name ID Name ID Name
  Coastal Strand 33 Coastal Strand BCH Beaches 322 Coastal scrub   Beach Dune
40 Sea Oats Dune Grassland 652 Shorelines   Coastal Strand
59 Sand/ Beach 710 Beaches other than swimming beaches   Maritime Hammock
  Dry Prairie 29 Dry Prairie Ecological Complex PPI Prairie with scattered pines 321 Palmetto prairies   Dry Prairie
39 Graminiod Dry Prairie Ecological Complex     411 Pine flatwoods   Cutthroat Grass Communities
41 Wiregrass Grassland
  Pineland 13 South Florida Slash Pine Forest SVPI Pine savanna 410 Upland coniferous forests   Scrubby Flatwoods
15 Sand Pine Forest SVx Slash pine mixed with palms 411 Pine flatwoods   Scrubby High Pine
16 Mesic-Hydric Pine Forest Compositional Group SVPIh Slash pines with hardwoods 413 Sand pine   Pine Rocklands
25 South Florida Slash Pine Woodland SVPIc Slash pine with cypress 414 Pine - mesic oak   Mesic Pine Flatwoods
419 Other pines
440 Tree plantations
441 Coniferous plantations
  Sand Pine Scrub 15 Sand Pine Forest     413 Sand pine   Florida Scrub
  Sandhill 26 Sandhill Ecological Complex     412 Longleaf pine - xeric oak   High Pine
Scrubby High Pine
  Xeric Oak Scrub 4 Xeric-Mesic Live Oak Ecological Complex FO Oak-sabal forest 329 Other shrubs and brush   Florida Scrub
35 Xeric Scrubland S Scrub 420 Upland Hardwood Forests   Scrubby High Pine
SB Shrublands 421 Xeric oak
432 Sand live oak
  Mixed Hardwood-Pine 14 Mesic-Xeric Mixed Pine/Oak/Hickory Forest Ecological Complex SVPIh Slash pines with hardwoods 414 Pine - mesic oak   Florida Scurb
423 Oak - pine - hickory   Scrubby Flatwoods
434 Hardwood conifer mixed   Scrubby High Pine
  Upland Hardwood Forest 4 Xeric-Mesic Live Oak Ecological Complex FO Oak-sabal forest 420 Upland Hardwood Forests   Maritime Hammock
5 Mesic-Hydric Live Oak/ Sabal Palm Ecological Complex FC Cabbage palm forest 421 Xeric oak   Mesic Temperate Hammock
19 Mixed Evergreen-Cold-deciduous Hardwood Forest 425 Temperate hardwood
24 Live Oak Woodland 427 Live oak
428 Cabbage palm
431 Beach - magnolia
432 Sand live oak
438 Mixed hardwoods
439 Other hardwoods
442 Hardwood plantations
623 Atlantic white cedar
  Tropical Hardwood Hammock 2 Tropical Hardwood Hammock Formation FT Subtropical hardwood forest 426 Tropical hardwoods   Tropical Hardwood Hammock
FP Paurotis palm forest 433 Western Everglades hardwoods
  Coastal Saltmarsh 38 Saltwort/ Glasswort Ecological Complex PGj Black rush 642 Saltwater marshes   Coastal Salt Marsh
47 Salt Marsh Ecological Complex PGs Cordgrass
49 Black needle Rush Marsh PH Halophytic herbaceous prairie
50 Saltmarsh Cordgrass Marsh PHg Halophytic graminoid prairie
51 Saltmeadow Cordgrass/ Salt Grass Salt Marsh PHs Halophytic succulent prairie
  Freshwater Marsh 36 St. Johns Wort Shrubland Compositional Group P Prairies and marshes 640 Vegetated Non-forested wetlands   Cutthroat Grass Communities
42 Graminoid Emergent Marsh Compositional Group PG Graminoid prairie/marsh 641 Freshwater marshes   Freshwater Marshes
43 Sawgrass Marsh PGc Sawgrass 6411 Freshwater marshes - sawgrass   Wet Prairies
44 Spikerush Marsh PGm Muhly grass 6412 Freshwater marshes - cattail
45 Muhly Grass Marsh PGe Spike rush 643 Wet prairies
46 Cattail Marsh Compositional Group PGp Common reed 6439 Wet prairies - with pine
52 Sparsely Wooded Wet Prairie Compositional Group PGa Maidencane 644 Emergent aquatic vegetations
53 Dwarf Cypress Prairie PGw Maidencane-spike rush 731 Exposed rock with marsh grasses
54 Temperate Wet Prairie PGx Mixed graminoids
55 Maidencane Marsh PE Non-graminoid emergent marsh
56 Forb Emergent Marsh PEb Broadleaf emergents
57 Water lily or Floating Leaved Vegetation PEf Floating/floating attached emergents
58 Periphyton PEa Leather fern
    PEo Other mixed non-graminids
PC Cattail marsh
  Cypress Swamp 6 Bay/Gum/Cypress Ecological Complex FS Swamp forest 610 Wetland Hardwood Forests   Freshwater Marshes
18 Cypress Forest Compositional Group FSc Cypress strands 620 Wetland Coniferous Forests   Flowing Water Swamps
53 Dwarf Cypress Prairie FSd Cypress domes/heads 621 Cypress   Pond Swamps
FSx Cypress-mixed hardwoods 6219 Cypress - with wet prairies
FSa Mixed hardwoods, cypress and pine
FSCpi Cypress-pines
SVC Cypress savanna
SVCd Dwarf cypress
SVCpi Cypress with pine
  Hardwood Swamp 3 Semi-decidous/Evergreen Tropical/Subtropical Swamp Forest FS Swamp forest 611 Bay Swamps   Flowing Water Swamps
17 Swamp Forest Ecological Complex FSh Mixed hardwood swamp forest 615 Stream and lake swamps (bottomland)   Pond Swamps
    FSx Cypress-mixed hardwoods 617 Mixed wetland hardwoods   Seepage Swamps
FSa Mixed hardwoods, cypress and pine 6171 Mixed wetland hardwoods - willows
630 Wetland forested mixed
  Bay Swamp 6 Bay/Gum/Cypress Ecological Complex FS Swamp forest 611 Bay Swamps   Flowing Water Swamps
7 Loblolly Bay Forest FSb Bayhead 613 Gum swamps   Pond Swamps
      Seepage Swamps
  Shrub Swamp 28 Flooded Broad-leaved Evergreen / Mixed Evergreen Shrubland Ecological Complex FS Swamp forest 329 Other shrubs and brush   Scrubby Flatwoods
30 Gallberry/ Saw Palmetto/Titi Compositional Group S Scrub 614 Titi swamps   Flowing Water Swamps
37 Flooded Cold-deciduous shrubland Ecological Complex SP Saw palmetto scrub 6172 Mixed wetland hardwoods - mixed shrubs   Pond Swamps
SH Hardwood scrub
SS Bay-hardwood scrub
SB Shrublands
SBs Willow
SBf Pop ash
SBm Wax myrtle
SBc Buttonbush
SB1 Primrose
SBy Cocoplum
SBa Pond Apple
EA Shoebutton ardisia
  Mangrove Swamp 9 Mixed Mangrove Forest Formation FM Mangrove forest 612 Mangrove swamps   Mangroves
10 Black Mangrove Forest FMa Black mangrove forest
11 Red Mangrove Forest FM1 White mangrove forest
20 Buttonwood Woodland FM1b White mangrove or buttonwood forest
21 Mixed Mangrove Woodland FMr Red mangrove forest
22 Black Mangrove Woodland FMx Mixed mangrove forest
23 Red Mangrove Woodland FB Buttonwood forest
32 Dwarf Mangrove Ecological Complex SM Mangrove scrub
SMr Red mangrove scrub
Sma Black mangrove scrub
SM1 White mangrove scrub
SM1b White mangrove or buttonwood scrub
SMx Mixed mangrove scrub
EO Lather leaf
  Bottomland Hardwood Forest 6 Bay/Gum/Cypress Ecological Complex FS Swamp forest 610 Wetland Hardwood Forests   Flowing Water Swamps
17 Swamp Forest Ecological Complex FSh Mixed hardwood swamp forest 611 Bay Swamps   Pond Swamps
FSx Cypress-mixed hardwoods 613 Gum swamps   Seepage Swamps
FSa Mixed hardwoods, cypress and pine 615 Stream and lake swamps (bottomland)
FSb Bayhead 617 Mixed wetland hardwoods
6171 Mixed wetland hardwoods - willows
622 Pond pine
630 Wetland forested mixed
  Open Water 1 Open water W Open water 166 Holding ponds    
500 Water
510 Streams and Waterways
520 Lakes
521 Lakes larger than 500 acres
522 Lakes larger than 100 acres - less than 500 acres
523 Lakes larger than 10 acres - less than 100 acres
524 Lakes less than 10 acres
530 Reservoirs
531 Reservoir larger than 500 acres
532 Reservoirs larger than 100 acres - less than 500 acres
533 Reservoirs larger than 10 acres - less than 100 acres
534 Reservoirs less than 10 acres
540 Bays and Estuaries
550 Major Spring
560 Slough Water
616 Inland ponds and sloughs
645 Submergent aquatic vegetation
650 Non-vegetated
651 Tidal flats
653 Intermittent ponds
816 Canals and locks
  Grass and Agriculture 65 Agriculture     200 Agriculture    
66 Pasture/Grassland/Agriculture 210 Cropland and Pastureland
67 Ag/Groves/Ornamental 212 Unimproved pastures
68 Ag/Confined Feeding Operation 213 Woodland pastures
214 Row crops
215 Field crops
2156 Field crops -sugar cane
220 Tree Crops
221 Citrus groves
222 Fruit orchards
223 Other groves
230 Feeding operations
231 Cattle feeding operations
232 Poultry feeding operations
233 Swine feeding operations
240 Nurseries and Vineyards
241 Tree nurseries
242 Sod farms
243 Ornamentals
244 Vineyards
245 Floriculture
246 Timber nursery
250 Specialty farms
251 Horse farms
252 Dairies
253 Kennels
254 Aquaculture
259 Other
260 Other open lands (rural)
261 Fallow crop land
300 Rangeland
329 Other shrubs and brush
330 Mixed rangeland
444 Experimental tree plots
445 Seed plantations
  Shrub and Brush 27 Broad-leaved Evergreen /Mixed Evergreen Shrubland S Scrub 320 Shrub and brushland   Florida Scrub
30 Gallberry/ Saw Palmetto/Titi Compositional Group SC Buttonwood scrub 322 Coastal scrub   Scrubby Flatwoods
34 Groundsel-tree/ Marsh Elder Tidal Shrubland SP Saw palmetto scrub 329 Other shrubs and brush
SH Hardwood scrub 614 Titi swamps
SB Shrublands
SBm Wax myrtle
SBb Groundsel bush
  Exotic Plant 8 Cajeput Forest Compositional Group F Forest 4119 Pine flatwoods - melaleuca infested   Scrubby Flatwoods
12 Casuarina Forest S Scrub 422 Brazilian pepper
27 Broad-leaved Evergreen /Mixed Evergreen Shrubland SC Buttonwood scrub 424 Melaleuca
31 Brazilian Pepper Shrubland SP Saw palmetto scrub 4289 Cabbage palm - melaleuca infested
66 Pasture/Grassland/Agriculture SH Hardwood scrub 437 Australian Pine
SB Shrublands 6218 Cypress - melaleuca infested
SBm Wax myrtle 740 Disturbed lands
E Exotics
EM Cajeput
EC Australian pine
ES Brazilian pepper
EL Tropical soda apple
  Barren and Urban 60 Bare soil/Clearcut HI Structures and cultivated lawns 100 Urban and Built-Up  
61 Pavement HId Disturbed fish camp site 110 Residential low density
62 Urban RD Major Roads 111 Fixed single family units
63 Urban Residential ORV ORV trails 113 Mixed units (fixed and mobile home units)
64 Urban Open/Others SA Spoil areas 119 Low density under construction
69 Extractive SAd Artificial deer islands 120 Residential medium density
70 Recreation   121 Fixed single family units
  123 Mixed units (fixed and mobile home units)
129 Medium density under construction
130 Residential high density
131 Fixed single family units
133 Multiple dwelling units low rise
134 Multiple dwelling units high rise
135 Mixed units (fixed and mobile home units)
139 High density under construction
140 Commercial and services
141 Retail sales and services
1411 Retail sales and services - shopping centers
142 Wholesale sales and services
1423 Wholesale sales and services - junk yards
143 Professional services
144 Cultural and entertainment
145 Tourist services
146 Oil and gas storage
147 Mixed commercial services
149 Commercial and services under construction
150 Industrial
151 Food processing
152 Timber processing
153 Mineral processing
154 Oil and gas processing
155 Other light industrial
156 Other heavy industrial
159 Industrial under construction
160 Extractive
161 Strip mines
162 Sand and gravel pits
163 Rock quarries
164 Oil and gas fields
165 Reclaimed land
170 Institutional
171 Educational facilities
172 Religious
174 Medical and health care
175 Governmental
176 Correctional
177 Other institutional
178 Commercial child care
179 Institutional under construction
180 Recreational
181 Swimming beach
182 Golf courses
183 Race tracks
184 Marinas and fish camps
185 Parks and zoos
186 Community recreational facilities
187 Stadiums
189 Other recreational
740 Disturbed lands
741 Rural land in transition
743 Spoil areas
800 Transportation
810 Transportation
811 Airports
812 Railroads
813 Bus and truck terminals
814 Roads and highways
815 Port facilities
818 Auto parking facilities
819 Transportation facilities under construction
820 Communications
821 Transmission towers
822 Communication facilities
829 Communication facilities under construction
830 Utilities
831 Electrical power facilities
832 Electrical power transmission lines
833 Water supply plants
834 Sewage treatment
835 Solid waste disposal
839 Utilities under construction